IKOR has nearly 20 years of experience in helping families transition through life. We offer a spectrum of services to ensure the highest quality of life. Our Life Management services listed below can help families, professionals and individuals.
- Living Arrangements – We assist our clients with safe and secure choices for future living. Whether the living continues at home with home care or in a facility, IKOR can determine exactly what level of care the client needs. Our total independence provides you with objective choices, considering factors like the geographic location of those the client loves, the financial resources available, and the psychosocial history of the client’s life.
- Financial Advocacy – IKOR offers a complete suite of Financial Advocacy services to assist clients with fulfilling their wishes and managing their needs.
- Routine Bill Pay – If the client could otherwise remain at home but is unable to continue handling financial affairs, IKOR can help by working with the client and assuring bills are paid in a timely manner and scam mail is avoided.
- Coordination and Oversight of Life Services – Knowing that something needs to change is one thing, knowing how to change it is another. Putting a plan together includes not only the coordination of all aspects of life, but oversight to see that those who are part of the plan continue on the right path and continue to provide the highest quality of services. IKOR oversight makes this happen whenever this facet of our involvement is used.
- Independence – Independence is important to all of us. It is the characteristic that we all strive for as we grow into individuals. Independence means choices, and means a life that is uniquely our own. IKOR strives to bring our clients the highest level of independence possible. Whenever possible, if it is the client’s choice, we help them age at home or locate a home that they may age in which can address their physical limitations. For our younger disabled clients, IKOR believes independence can be found in becoming a contributing member of society by obtaining education and employment, and we strive to meet this goal as well.